Server Side Includes (SSI) is a simple server-side language, which allows you to include text from a specified source within a web page. In the most widespread situation, the text from a single file is incorporated in a second one, providing a site the feeling it is dynamic. As an example, in case your site consists of 10 web pages, 5 of them can easily contain the content of some file, such as horoscope.txt. In case you modify this text file, the updated content will come up on all five pages, which shall permit you to bring up to date your website faster and easier than if you had to modify a component of all 5 web pages. Server Side Includes is sometimes employed to incorporate the output of basic commands, scripts or functions as well - a hit counter that is shown on the website, the current date and time or the customer's IP address. Any webpage that utilizes SSI will need to have a particular extension - .shtml.

Server Side Includes in Shared Hosting

You'll be able to use Server Side Includes with all of the shared hosting packages that we provide and activate it separately for every domain name or subdomain in your hosting account. This can be achieved when using .htaccess file, which needs to be put into the folder where you want to use SSI and you need to put a couple of lines of code in that file. You can find the code inside our Knowledgebase section, so you're able to simply copy and paste it, as you do not need any coding capabilities to take advantage of all of the capabilities that our solutions include. In case you have already built your website and you wish to employ Server Side Includes later on, you will need to make sure that you rename the files from .html to .shtml and correct the links on the site, or else SSI will not work.

Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Servers

It will be easy to enable and make use of Server Side Includes with simply a few clicks with any one of the semi-dedicated server offers as the option is supported within the cloud platform where your account shall be set up. All you need to do will be to create an empty file named .htaccess using your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and then place in a handful of lines of code in it. You'll find the latter within the Help articles that are offered as part of your account, and that means you do not require any kind of programming knowledge - you can just copy and paste the code in question. All webpages that will implement Server Side Includes need to have a .shtml extension, so if you incorporate this feature to an active site, you should make sure that you change all the links in there.